A Georgetown Homeowner's Association
Following Covenants
All homeowners in RR3 signed an agreement to follow the HOA rules or covenants. Covenants are accessible on the RR3 HOA website: www.riverridge3hoa.org. As a reminder, please note the following covenants:
Parking vehicles on the street overnight is forbidden. Vehicles found parked on the street between 1:00 AM and 5:00 AM are considered to be in violation and their homeowner may receive a notice.
First-time violators will receive a warning and subsequent violations may incur a fine.
If you have extenuating circumstances that require the need to have vehicles parked in front of your home overnight OR staging a travel trailer/motorhome pre & post trip, please let us know by sending an email to riverridge3gtx@gmail.com
Per city ordinance, trash and recycling bins should be returned from the street promptly, and per HOA rule, should be hidden from view from the street.
Boats, campers, trailers, and motorhomes parked in driveways should not be visible from the street unless a request as mentioned above has been made.
Changes to Structures
Plans to change the appearance of homes and other structures in RR3 should be submitted for review to the HOA Architectural Committee. This includes plans to remodel home exteriors, roof replacements, fences, and storage sheds and outbuildings. Contact information for the Architectural Committee is accessible at the HOA website: www.riverridge3hoa.org.
Email addresses
If you have not done so already, please consider providing us with your email address by sending your name, physical address, and email address to riverridge3gtx@gmail.com
Helpful links
River Ridge 3 Underground Weather​
Understanding Oak Wilt: www.texasoakwilt.org
River Ridge 3 Garden Club:
Contact Karen Funderburk to learn more at kk.funderburk@icloud.com