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National Night Out 2023


The RR3 HOA will host a National Night Out party next Tuesday, October 3rd, in the cul-de-sac of Broad Vista Court, located off the northeast corner of River Down Road. This is the same location where this event was held last year. The NNO party is scheduled to take place from 6:00 to 8:30 pm.


We expect visits from the Georgetown Fire and Police departments, complete with fire and rescue vehicles. This is an excellent opportunity to meet and greet your neighbors and fellow RR3 residents, and to express your appreciation for Georgetown's Finest and Bravest.


We will be serving food from Rudy’s, including brisket, turkey and sausage with the fixins, plus water, tea and dessert. 


Last year we had a great turnout and we hope to repeat that turnout this year. Bring your lawn chairs and gather around to connect with your community.



The RR3 HOA Board

Tree Pruning for Street Resurfacing

River Ridge 3 Neighbors and Friends:


Some neighborhood residents this week received a flier on their door from a tree-trimming company informing them that no parking on the street in front of their homes would be permitted during the hours of 7:00 am and 6:00 pm, beginning yesterday, Friday, August 25th, through next Wednesday, August 30th. The fliers also stated that the tree-trimming is for the City of Georgetown and referred to “maintenance” and “work operations.”


The RR3 Homeowners Association (HOA) contacted the city and learned that the city soon will be performing a significant resurfacing project of all streets in RR3. Because the equipment the city uses to perform this task is tall and wide, tree limbs that extend over the street will interfere with this equipment. The city has hired a certified arborist to perform the tree-trimming.


Representatives of the HOA met Friday with the city project staff and the arborist in charge of the project. The arborist assures us that his crew will be following tree-trimming practices, including cutting branches to their source limb, sealing wounds, and regularly disinfecting their equipment; and that they will not simply “hack” the portion of branches that extend over the street. Branches that hang over the street below approximately 14 feet are subject to trimming.


RR3 HOA representatives impressed upon the city staff and arborist how important our trees are to us and this neighborhood, and that we expect the trees in the neighborhood to be treated kindly and professionally. City staff and the arborist acknowledged our concerns and assured us that they will be respected.

This trimming may begin as early as next Monday or Tuesday, August 28th or 29th. As the arborist flier requested, please refrain from parking vehicles in front of homes that have tree branches that extend above the street.

In the next two or three weeks, the project to resurface streets in the neighborhood will begin. This process involves removing the top two inches of asphalt and laying a new surface in its place. According to city staff, residents will be given notice of when this resurfacing is scheduled to occur, as access to city streets and individual driveways will be temporarily blocked.


Our neighborhood streets were resurfaced before, approximately 10 years ago. We are told that the resurfacing process that will be used this time is different, and that access to streets and driveways will be restricted only for a few hours. City staff also have told us that they are coordinating with GISD regarding bus routing, so we should avoid problems we experienced last time our streets were resurfaced.

We expect the city to provide us with more details about the resurfacing project, including exactly when the project will take place and what streets will be affected on what dates. As we receive this information, we will pass it on to you via email.


In the meantime, if you have questions about this project, please feel free to respond to this email message, at


Thank you.

Jim Wilson, RR3 HOA Director of Landscaping

Keith Brainard, RR3 HOA President

©2023 by River Ridge 3 HOA Board

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